01st /02nd FEB ’2025
1. We wish to thank Our Lady of Rosary Community for conducting Adoration Service.
2. Blessing of the Throat on the occasion of the Feast of St. Blaise will be done on Monday 03rd February during 7pm mass.
3. First Friday Adoration will be conducted by Youth Group on Friday, 07th February.
4. Saturday 08th February at 7.00pm Mass liturgy will be animated by Senior Citizens and Sunday 09th February at 8.00am Mass liturgy will be animated by St. Vincent De Paul Community Sectors-19 & 20.
5. Holy Childhood Sunday will be celebrated on next Sunday. Second Collection will be done at Weekend Masses on Saturday 08th & Sunday 09th .
6. World Marriage Day will be celebrated in our parish on Saturday 15th February 2025. The women cell of our parish is organizing a small get together after the mass on Church Terrace hall. Kindly register with any of the core members from the women cell, registration charges per person Rs. 200/-.
7. Pre-Baptism Course for Expected Mothers who have not done, kindly register your names in the parish office during office hours.