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Announcements - 23rd February'2025

22nd /23rd Feb’2025



1. We wish to thank St. John Community Sectors- 4 & 5 for conducting Adoration Service on Friday.

2. Friday 28th February Adoration will be conducted by St. Dominic Savio Community Sector-3.

3. Saturday 01st March at 7.00pm Mass liturgy will be animated by Youth Group and Sunday 02 nd March at 8.00 am Mass liturgy will be animated by St. Dominic Savio Community Sector-3.

4. Food Carnival will be held in our Parish on Sunday 02nd March after 9.30am mass. Details will be shared to you on WhatsApp group through your Coordinators.

5. Those who would like to participate in Passion play on Good Friday kindly give your Names in the parish office during office hours by 09th of March.

6. Those who wish to do R.C.I.A. Course kindly register your names in Parish Office.

Ⓒ 2024. Church of St Theresa of Child Jesus, Airoli

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