21st /22nd Dec’2024
1. We wish to thank St. Lawrence Community for conducting Adoration Service.
2. Tuesday 24th December Christmas Night Mass at 8.00pm on D.A.V. Public
School ground Sector-10, Airoli, Morning Mass will be in the Church at 9.00am.
3. Friday 27th December Adoration will be conducted by St. Vincent De Paul
Community Sectors-19 & 20.
4. Saturday 28th December at 7.00 pm Mass liturgy will be animated by St. Francis
Xavier Community Sector- 1 and Sunday 29th December at 8.00 am Mass liturgy
will be animated by St. Lawrence Community Digha.
5. First Holy Communion will be held in our parish on Sunday 29th December at
9.30 am Mass.
6. Family Day will be celebrated in our parish on Sunday 29th December’2024 from
5 pm onwards at St. Joseph's Church Hall, Sector-10, Airoli. All those who have
registered please be on time.