15 th /16 th Dec’2024 THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT
1. Friday 20th December Adoration will be conducted by St. Lawrence
Community Digha.
2. Saturday 21st December at 7.00 pm Mass liturgy will be animated by St.
Vincent De Paul Community Sectors- 19 &; 20 and Sunday 22nd December
at 8.00 am Mass liturgy will be animated by St. Thomas Community
Sectors-16 & 17.
3. Family Day will be celebrated in our parish on Sunday 29th December’2024
from 5pm onwards at St. Joseph's Church Hall, Sector-10, Airoli. All
parishioners are requested to register and participate in this event. For
more details please contact your community coordinator.
4. Church Calendars are available in the parish office. Community
Coordinators are requested them to collect it.
Parish Priest Thanks you for your Generous Contribution and Prays that God Bless you abundantly.