Cells & Associations
The Parish Pastoral Council Heads have formed an Executive Committee which meets the Parish Priest before every PPC meeting to discuss the agenda in advance. The parish runs smoothly thanks to the active participation and planning of our executive committee members.
Leadership Team
Secretary: Mrs. Sunita Sarote
Parish SCC Coordinator: Mrs. Felcy Tauro
PPC Vice President: Mr. Philip Gathe
Archdiocese Pastoral Council Representative: Mrs. Jacintha Mendonsa
along with Mr. Arun Colaco (ex Parish Administrator)
Our vibrant youth have been very active on a community, parish, deanery and even diocese level. A great mix of spiritual, cultural and sports activities is what helps the youth stay united and give their best at all times. The youth have regular events and activities planned for them and even on a parish level to keep everyone happy and entertained. Parents Day, Food Stalls, Workshops, Retreats, Gospel Band etc to name a few.
Leadership Team
Vice President: Mr. Russell John
Secretary: Mr. Alistair Nadar
Joint Secretary: Mr. Ronald Menezes
Treasurer: Ms. Shanelle Sethi
Deanery Representatives: Mr. Ronald Menezes & Ms. Elisha Gras
Our talented singers and musicians make every mass better with their melody and skills. We have a dedicated team of choir members who also take care of the lyrics to be displayed during every mass via the projector. Feast masses and special occasions are a treat to the ears thanks to our choir who have been winning various prizes at inter parish choir festivals.
Coordinator: Ms. Elisha Gras
Our liturgy has always been divine with each and every word touching the heart. Every prayer is meaningful with an aim of praying for everyone in this world whilst thanking God first for everything that we have. Our readers are also trained and groomed to understand the word of God and the prayers in order make everyone reflect on the Word of God and prayers in a very meaningful way.
Coordinator: Mrs. Jacintha Mendonsa
Our young at heart Senior Citizens are the heart beats of our parish. Their excitement, enthusiasm and energy is absolutely sensational & their love for God is inspiring. Their participation and involvement makes our communities and our parish a better place.
Coordinator: Mrs. Pamela John
Our parish is one of the best parishes when it comes to sports in our Deanery. With 10 trophies won (2 Gold, 5 Silver and 3 Bronze) in the last 10 Deanery events, we are the only parish to have a 100% trophy record at the Deanery level. On our parish level, we have annual tournaments for every age group and for games like football, cricket, dodgeball, table tennis, carrom etc.
Coordinator: Mr. Selwyn Santmajor
Our dynamic ladies have taken the entire parish by a storm ever since the Women’s Cell was formed a few years ago. They show us that a woman can do everything if she wants in the best possible way and are an example to all girls in our parish too. With various activities conducted by them throughout the year covering spiritual and cultural events, they are one of the leading associations of our parish.
Coordinator: Mrs. Rachael Dsouza
Our Charismatic Renewal team has been a pillar of our Church ever since it was started. With Praise and Worship sessions every Wednesday and also the introduction of Discipleship Course, it is safe to say that the parishioners of STCJ, Airoli have come closer to God with prayer, thanksgiving and gratitude.
Coordinator: Mr. Merwyn D’souza
Our ushers have been an example of professionalism, perfection and precision. Their work is always on point for each and every event inside or outside the Church. Regardless of the volume of the event, the availability, discipline and dedication of the ushers is always at 100% & they help our parish run very effectively.
Coordinator: Mr. Maurice Rosario
The Bombay Catholic Sabha team has been doing an excellent job with regards to community service in different fields. From health to awareness, they are involved with multiple activities and they have helped our parishioners and Catholics all over Mumbai and Navi Mumbai too.
Coordinator: Mr. Ronald Barboza
Our finance committee has doing a marvelous job with regards to the accounts, expenditures and all aspects that involve money. For a growing parish with limited families, finance is one of the biggest concerns, however, by God’s grace our finances have been in place and our finance committee has always taken care of the same.
Coordinator: Mr. Philip Gathe
You can call them teachers or you can call them Wonder Women, our Sunday School teachers will always leave you impressed with their work rate, dedication and efficiency. Always available for the Sunday School kids, they are always on time and always the first to say yes to every activity that is assigned to them. They help our parish kids grow more in faith via Sunday School, Vacation Bible Joy and many activities outside the Church too.
Coordinator: Mrs. Geeta Santiago
Our health outreach team has been selflessly working to make sure that the needy parishioners always have access to medicines and also food whenever possible. A proper system is designed and a proper protocol is followed every single time to help the parishioners in need. Their service during the entire year helps us restore our faith in humanity.
Leadership Team
Mr. Augustine Fernandes
Mr. Proctor John
Mr. Arun Colaco
Our blessed Eucharistic Ministers are available during weekday and weekend masses & are also available for the ones who can’t make it to the Church. For our growing parish, our Eucharistic Ministers are a blessing during every mass.
Coordinator: Mrs. Helen Gras
Altar service is a very crucial part of mass and our altar servers have always been up to the mark with absolute desire to serve the Lord. Weekday, weekends and feast masses have the right number of altar servers depending on the mass who are well trained and groomed before every single mass to do the right thing.
Leadership Team:
Mr. Nitin Luke
Ms. Cleona Tauro
Tamil Group - Mr. Lourdswamy
Konkani Group – Mr. Edwin Gras
Pre Baptism – Mrs. Pamela John
RCI Course – Mr. Mahendra Dhamal
Parish Office – Mrs. Irene Braganza
Cemetery Work – Mr. Augustine Fernandes
Sound – Mr. Rohan Pinto